“We Don’t Talk About Money”
I mean…we really don’t on this podcast. After all, it’s really just about relationships.
The thing is…money affects our relationships. Money IS a relationship. We all have a relationship to money. Some of us yearn for more. Other of us detest it. Some of us fear we will never have enough. Others of us fear having more. We all have some kind of relationship with money.
Money can be an icky word. But really, money is just energy. It’s a man-made symbol to take the place of bartering.
Historically, we bartered. People specialized in whatever they were most skilled in, we all contributed, and all shared. We invented money to somewhat streamline that exchange. Rather than trading bread for homes, or whatever, you could now sit on the gains from your bread-making, if you didn’t need a home at that moment. Probably not the best example, but you get the idea.
That evolved into the society we have now. Where money often feels like it controls your life. You quite literally need money to survive. And often it feels like the quality of your life is dictated by how much you have.
But maybe we can reframe the way we view money. Maybe it doesn’t have to be icky, prestigious, or scary.
If you’re interested in this reframe, try journaling on or talking out the answers to these questions:
When was the last time I looked at my bank account?
What feelings come up when I look at my bank account/credit card statements?
What fears come up when I think of money?
What does money represent to me?
If I had unlimited money, what would I do with it?
Is there anything about making more money that scares me?
What judgments do I have about people who have money?
What words come up when I think of money?
There are no right or wrong answers here. There really is no goal. I just really believe that to improve our relationship with money, we have to be able to face the stories we’ve been told about money, the judgments we hold, the fears, and the subconscious beliefs. I hope these questions will help you unravel some of these.
For more on money, listen to episode 71, “7 EASY, SIMPLE, HABITS TO TRANSFORM & IMPROVE YOUR LIFE” on iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere else you get podcasts.