Main Character Energy
The expression “Main Character Energy” sometimes gets a bad rep. There are people out there who link it to narcissism, overly self-involved younger generations, vapid selfies, and so on.
But main character energy is not a bad thing. In fact, we should all have main character energy. After all, we are the main characters of our own lives. And we should live it accordingly.
“Putting yourself at the forefront of your life can be a really wonderful thing, especially when your life experiences have been marked by invalidation, dismissal, or feeling like you’re ‘not good enough’ or ‘unworthy.’”
I want 2022 to be the year of Main Character Energy. I want it to be the year where we stop people pleasing, we stop saying ‘yes’ when we mean ‘no,’ we stop hiding our real feelings, and we stop using masks instead of being vulnerable.
All of these things are side character traits. The side character in the movie says yes, hides their own story line, and doesn’t have opinions. But guess what? In your own life, in your own story, you are the main character. So let’s start fucking living like it.
Now, I know this is easier said than done.
I’m not suggesting that we all wake up January 1, 2022 and magically embody Main Character Energy. But I do think we can all set an intention to do so.
And the podcast will support us all along the way. I want to dedicate this year of the podcast to untangling all of the things that are standing in the way of us embodying Main Character Energy. I want to have experts on to discuss things like Codependency, Inner Child Wounds, the Mind-Body Connection, and other things that can help us tap into Main Character Energy. I also want to have real, authentic, vulnerable conversations with the Blush community about what Main Character Energy means to us, what’s standing in the way, and action steps we can take towards embodying it.
Listen to episode 58 to hear more about my own journey stepping out of side character energy— available now on iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere else you listen to podcasts.