Your One-Stop-Shop to Feel Your Best, Look Your Best, and Be the Best Version of Yourself

When I was a little girl, I had a vision of how my life would look.

I was going to be skinny, pretty, and have really cool clothes.

I was going to be popular, well-liked, have a great circle of friends, and be dating a tan surfer with long blonde hair who worshiped the ground I walked on.

I was going to live in a house that had a big pool, I would lounge in a cute white cropped cami & shorts set and big bunny fuzzy slippers, and I would drive a convertible down a palm-tree lined street.

I basically envisioned my life as being a cross between Cher Horowitz and Cameron Diaz’ character from There’s Something About Mary.

Fuck it– Cameron Diaz’ character from every movie she was in.

That smile. That energy. The way her eyes glistened. She wasn’t just pretty, she was magnetic. There really was something about her. She seemed like someone who was effortlessly cool, vivacious, vibrant, and sparkly. She just seemed so perfect. I wanted to be perfect like that.

But my life was far from that.

From the time I was little, I suffered from two things: 1. Constipation; 2. A lack of emotional regulation.

These two things ran my life.

My tummy always hurt. I would get bloated easily, was afraid to eat lots of things, and felt like I was 6 months pregnant all the time. 

I wasn’t confident, breezy, cool, or vibrant. I was shy, isolated, and insecure. I always wanted to be the center of attention, but also would dive out of the spotlight because I didn’t feel like I deserved it.

I was always the weird, isolated girl in school. I had a few friends– the quiet, foreign girls (I was foreign too!). I wasn’t living out my Cher Horowitz life. I wasn’t even like Tai pre-being plucked by Cher. I was that character in the background who never came fully into focus on the lens.

I could never hang on to relationships. I had a slew of former best friends, and when I got a bit older, a graveyard of failed romances, all of which ended because I would “go crazy.”

No matter how chill, fun, and easy going I would start, eventually I would become insecure, start playing games, picking fights, or otherwise acting out. 

Every time I started dating someone new, I would swear to myself this time was going to be different. This time I would be that cool, sparkly, fun Cameron Diaz-like chick that he wouldn’t be able to get enough of. I would wear all my cutest lingerie, we would go on beach vacations and I would feel good in a bikini, and we would just have the time of our fucking lives.

The reality? I wouldn’t hear from him for a few hours one day and I would start losing my mind. I would start blocking & unblocking his phone number. I would pull tarot cards or hire psychics to tell me that he was my “twin flame.” I would start daydreaming about ways I could stage running into him with another guy to make him jealous. It would fully take over my life.

Oh and my visions of wearing cute lingerie and beach vacations? Nope. Instead, I would wear oversized tee shirts and big sweaters to hide my round belly, and would be terrified to eat around him because I knew I wouldn’t be able to poop and I would be uncomfortable and gassy.

My life was so far from how I wanted it to look.

I went to therapy to address the emotional regulation piece. After years and years of therapy, we still couldn’t quite figure out why my emotions would take over, why I couldn’t bite my sharp tongue in the heat of the moment, and why all my relationships blew up.

I also saw every kind of medical professional imaginable for my gut issues. I went to doctors, gastroenterologists, and endocrinologists. I did acupuncture, acupressure, and a type of “visceral manipulation” where they stimulate your colon from the top of your belly.

I sought every kind of treatment you can imagine, from the most western, allopathic medicine; to the most woo woo shit you can imagine. I went to hospitals and got colonoscopies, I also saw practitioners who lit sage and had crystals in the corner.

No matter where I went or what I did, the prognosis was the same: it is what it is.

I was told by therapists, psychics, and astrologists alike that I was just a “fiery” person and that I needed to find someone who would tolerate my bullshit.

And I was told by gastroenterologists that I would probably have to take laxatives for the rest of my life.
But, I always knew it didn’t have to be like that.
Have you ever been in a situation in life where you know what you’re doing is wrong, and you know you shouldn’t be there?

One time when I was a freshman in high school, I was friends with this boy Daniel & this girl Julie who had really cool friends. Obviously I wanted to get in closer with them because I wanted to live out my cool popular girl fantasies. So, one day when they invited me to skip gym class with them and leave school, I went. 

I had to hide in a senior’s car trunk to leave the premises, and we all hung out in a defunct McDonald’s parking lot. Some of the older kids were taking swigs out of a brandy bottle and smoking cigarettes, and telling stories about getting drunk and high.

I remember a voice in my head screaming “THIS ISN’T YOU!!! YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE” these kids weren’t cool. They weren’t my Cher Horowitz fantasy. Sure, they were pretty and blonde and thin and confident. But they were not my vision of what cool was. And this environment was not the life I envisioned for myself.

It was a similar situation here. This life I was living– insecurity, hiding, toxic relationships, bloating– it wasn’t the life I envisioned for myself. There was a little voice that told me that all these medical professionals and practitioners were wrong. And that I could live a better life.

And I am so fucking grateful I listened.

Today, my life still isn’t perfect. I don’t have a convertible, I don’t drive on palm-tree lined streets…I actually don’t drive at all (I live in NYC).

But…I am happy. I am really, genuinely, happy. I am fulfilled, I feel light and vibrant, I’m more secure and confident than I ever have been, and I poop every day.

I actually do date a tall, tan surfer guy with long blonde hair who worships the ground I walk on.

And even though I am not perfect all the time, my life is far closer to the life I envisioned as a child than it is to what I actually experienced most of my life.

Now, it took me a looooooong time to get here. It took 20+ years of research & experimentation to figure it out. But now that I have, I can teach you so that you can get here quickly.

My problems were rooted in a dysregulated nervous system & insecure attachment.

The Academy.

Welcome to Blush Academy, where transformation begins and your best self awaits. Our digital courses are meticulously crafted to empower you to feel your best, look your best, and ultimately, be the best version of yourself.

At Blush Academy, we understand that true transformation encompasses every aspect of your life. That's why our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from regulating your nervous system to understanding attachment theory and beyond. Whether you're seeking relationship tips, guidance through life's transitions, or strategies for pooping more regularly, Blush Academy is your all-in-one platform to help you step into the highest version of yourself.

The life of your dreams is waiting for you— stop delaying it. Join the Blush Academy today & step into it.

The biggest accomplishments of my life are not graduating law school & passing the bar, getting a JD-MBA, graduating with honors, buying multiple homes, or anything like that.

My two biggest accomplishments are 1. overcoming my lifelong gut issues, and 2. moving to secure attachment and finally being in a healthy, fulfilling, stable, relationship.

The Blush Academy is how I got here.

The tools in the Academy, in particular the guided breathwork sessions & Neural ReWiring Practices, literally molded my brain into that of a secure, confident, self-assured person. They helped me finally be the version of myself that I always knew I could be.

Some of the benefits I’ve experienced:

  • be in a better mood & be less irritable

  • work through unresolved feelings of pain & shame from my childhood

  • work through traumatic childhood memories that were looping in my subconscious mind

  • stop feeling insecure & jealous

  • stop playing games & picking fights in dating

  • be in a stable, healthy, fulfilling relationship with the guy of my dreams

  • stop fluctuating in weight & have the body of my dreams

  • uplevel my career & my relationship with finances

  • feel confident, secure, and happy

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”

— Charles Duhigg

Welcome to Blush Academy, where transformation meets science-backed strategies to help you become the best version of yourself. Our digital courses are meticulously designed to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to feel your best, look your best, and ultimately, be the best.

Our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from regulating your nervous system to understanding attachment theory and beyond. Whether you're seeking relationship tips, guidance through life's transitions, or strategies for managing your finances and advancing your career, Blush Academy has you covered.

At Blush Academy, we believe that true transformation begins from within. That's why our courses are carefully crafted to empower you to step into your highest potential and live a life of fulfillment and purpose. With expert-led instruction and practical tools and techniques, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

With The Membership, you get access to every single current & future Blush Academy course, including the infamous Nervous System Regulation course, and the Attachment Styles course. You also get access to a personalized Q&A service, weekly bonus content, hundreds of recipes, and so many different breathwork practices, guided meditations, and Neural Rewiring Practices.

Our Course Offering Includes

  • the world’s most comprehensive & actionable resource, the nervous system regulation course helps you manage and handle stress better. Whether you want to improve your relationships, your appearance, up level your career, earn more money, or simply feel better, this course is your best friend. It is brimming with actionable advice to help you sleep better, improve your digestion, and become more mentally and emotionally resilient. It also has the most comprehensive guide to help you overcome chronic constipation. every Blush Academy Member should start by completing the nervous system course.

  • The Attachment Styles course is a groundbreaking guide to moving to secure attachment. Most attachment theory books simply suggest that you should date someone with secure attachment. But the Blush Academy knows better— using tools rooted in neuroscienc & specialized trauma therapy, the attachment styles course will help you move towards secure attachment, so you can live with ease and have the relationships of your dreams.

  • The Workbook is great for hands on learners to really implement & integrate the lessons from the Attachment Styles course

  • “Decentering Romance: The Blush Guide to Feeling Secure & Confident” walks you through every area of your life, helping you build confidence and step into the best version of yourself. This course covers everything from career and finance to friendships and health. It’s a one-stop-shop for feeling good about yourself.

  • If you have ever been in a relationship that has had conflict and fighting, “How to Stop Picking Fights & Have Stable, Healthy, Secure Relationships” will be your best friend. It uses inner child work & hands-on therapy modalities to help re-wire your brain & get rid of the insecurities that cause relationship conflict.

  • “From Crushed to Blushed: The Definitive Breakup Guide to use your Heartache to Uplevel” helps you navigate heartbreak & grief with grace, taking you through every stage of grief, and helping you alchemize the pain into the biggest up level of your life.

  • The Membership gives you access to a personalized Q&A service where you can ask questions and get timely responses, as well as access to video responses to other members’ questions.

  • You can expect weekly bonus content in the academy, including videos, hands-on assignments, journal prompts, and more. We also do seasonal challenges and other time-limited group endeavors that are limited to Academy members.

  • The Membership gives you access to my full catalog of healthy recipes. These recipes are not only delicious, but their ingredients are carefully selected to help regulate your nervous system, support your gut health & regularity, give you glowy skin, and improve your mood.

Neural ReWiring Practices

aka NRPs are the Blush Academy’s unique hypnosis modality.

Hypnosis might sound scary, but it’s far from the trope of ringing bells and barking like a dog.

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that involves inducing a deeply relaxed state of consciousness, known as a trance, in which an individual is highly focused and open to suggestion. During hypnosis, the hypnotist guides the individual through verbal cues and imagery to facilitate a heightened state of awareness and receptivity to positive suggestions or therapeutic interventions.

From a neuroscience perspective, hypnosis involves modulating brain activity in regions associated with attention, perception, and suggestibility. Functional MRI studies have shown that during hypnosis, there is increased activation in areas of the brain involved in focused attention, such as the prefrontal cortex, while activity in the default mode network, which is associated with mind-wandering and self-referential thoughts, decreases. This shift in brain activity may enhance receptivity to therapeutic suggestions and promote changes in behavior, beliefs, and perceptions.

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for overcoming trauma, painful memories, and emotional challenges by accessing the subconscious mind and addressing underlying issues. By bypassing the critical faculty of the conscious mind, hypnosis can help individuals reframe negative beliefs, process unresolved emotions, and release trauma held in the body. Through techniques such as regression therapy, individuals can explore and heal past experiences, gaining insights and understanding that promote healing and resolution.

Moreover, hypnosis can promote feelings of security, confidence, and success by fostering a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy. By accessing the subconscious mind, individuals can reinforce positive beliefs, cultivate self-confidence, and develop strategies for achieving their goals. Hypnosis can also be used to enhance performance in various areas, such as public speaking, sports, and creative endeavors, by reducing performance anxiety and increasing focus and concentration.

In the realm of relationships, hypnosis can help individuals overcome barriers to intimacy, improve communication skills, and cultivate deeper connections with others. By addressing underlying patterns of behavior and communication, hypnosis can promote empathy, understanding, and emotional intimacy, leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

The Blush NRPs borrow from fields like somatic therapy, EMDR, internal family systems, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other psychology modalities that have proven to be effective to give you powerful, transformational tools at a fraction of the price. A full year’s Blush Academy membership is more cost effective than a single session with a practitioner, yet you get 365 times more opportunity to create lasting change.

What Our Members Say


What Courses Are in the Academy?

Right now, the Nervous System Regulation course, the Attachment Styles course, the Attachment Styles workbook, Decentering Romance, Fight Picking, Breakup, the Q&A service, Bonus Content, Seasonal challenges, and the Cookbook. Coming in 2024 is: inner child healing, the gut health bible, and integrating repressed parts

Is there a commitment?

No!! You get a 7-day free trial, and after that are just charged on a monthly basis and can cancel anytime!

What Benefits Can I Expect?

I used all of the tools that I teach in the Academy to:

  • regulate my Nervous System

  • be in a better mood & be less irritable

  • work through unresolved feelings of pain & shame from my childhood

  • work through traumatic childhood memories that were looping in my subconscious mind

  • stop feeling insecure & jealous

  • stop playing games & picking fights in dating

  • be in a stable, healthy, fulfilling relationship with the guy of my dreams

  • stop fluctuating in weight & have the body of my dreams

  • uplevel my career & my relationship with finances

  • feel confident, secure, and happy

"The Blush Academy changed my life. Before I joined, I experienced chronic constipation and emotional outbursts. I had never been in a healthy, stable, relationship. Since joining, my mood has been better than ever, I am more energetic and outgoing, my bloating and constipation went away, and I am finally having success in dating. Thank you Hiwa."

"Honestly, I cannot believe the price. Just one day of Blush Academy work had more profound effects on me than 10 years of therapy did, yet it costs less than 0.01%. I tell all of my friends to join the Blush Academy because this is life changing sh*t. If you want more for your life, this is how you get it."

Disclaimer: Results may vary. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. I am not a licensed medical professional. This course is based on my extensive independent research & my own personal experiences.