Thanksgiving Themed Debloat Gummies
I think Thanksgiving & bloating kinda go hand in hand, right?
I mean…it’s an entire holiday centered around gluttony.
Which, we love.
But no one wants to feel as round as the turkey you just stuffed, and that’s where these gummies come in.
Vitamin Gummies
I don’t know about you, but the first time I had gummy vitamins was in college. A hall mate of mine freshman year had some flinstone gummy vitamins, and I was shook by the concept.
Candy..but it’s good for you?
Candy…but I’m encouraged to eat more them?
Candy…but they won’t make me break out & gain weight?
As it turns out, none of those things were true. They were not good for you (hello sugar & food dyes), you were not encouraged to eat more than one, and they absolutely had the same number of calories as regular gummies, so when I ate 650 of them, I absolutely did break out and puff out.
But, I learned something important through this process: supplements are more fun in gummy format.
happy girl with her supplement gummies
DeBloat Gummies
In the past 6 years that I’ve been creating content, I’ve experimented with lots of gummy supplements.
I’ve made mood-boosting gummies, de-stressing gummies, sleep gummies, and most famously, my original debloat gummies.
These were a big hit on the internet, were recreated a billion times, and helped so many people eliminate more regularly & fight constipation.
But, they were also intense. The intensity came from my using the entire grapefruit peel, which is a powerhouse for elimination, but also really sharp in flavor.
So, I wanted to make another version of DeBloat gummies, this time more palatable, and in Thanksgiving theme, because I think it would be so chic to give your guests a gummy as a little amuse bouche pre-meal. I can picture the table setting now, and I’m obsessed.
everyone else thinks of this Friends ep when you hear “amuse bouche,” right?!?! or just me?
This Dish
cranberry-grapefruit-ginger-sea moss debloat gummies
The Benefits
designed to help you digest better, avoid bloating before a big meal, and de-bloat when already bloated. here’s how it works:
grapefruit has compounds like naringin that can support fat metabolism and alleviate bloating; and its bitter taste stimulates digestive enzymes, which can help break down heavy meals, like Thanksgiving notoriously is
ginger promotes smoother digestion by relaxing the gastrointestinal muscles. it increases gut motility, which can help you eliminate more effectively; and it reduces gas; both of which contribute to de-bloating
cranberries are rich in antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, which can support gut health by reducing bad bacteria; and they’re a natural diuretic, which flushes out water retention, making you look SNATCHED
sea moss is packed with minerals like potassium and magnesium, both of which support fluid balance and reduce bloating. its mucilaginous texture soothes the gut lining, which helps prevent bloating
note: the edible flowers I added are called Sweet Alyssums. I added them mainly for aesthetic purposes, but I also thought they were appropriate because they’ve been used in folk medicine as a digestive aid.
The Recipe
1 cup dried Irish Sea moss
2 cups raw, fresh, cranberries
1 grapefruit, peeled
1 knob of ginger, the length of a finger and girth of 2 fingers?
1/3 cup + 1/4 cup water
soak sea moss overnight
in a small saucepan, cook the cranberries on low heat
peel the ginger & grapefruit
blend everything together until REALLY REALLY smooth. blend for longer than you might think
pour into molds & give it a few minutes to set
These gummies are not sweet. They’re not crazy sharp & intense like the last debloat gummies, but they def aren’t sweet. If you want them to be sweet, you can add 1/2-3/4 cup of pitted medjool dates to the mixture. BUT I recommend leaving the flavor profile as is, because the tart & slightly bitter taste actually stimulates digestive enzymes
You can eat them both before & after meals, or anytime you want; but I do recommend having some before the meal to stimulate your digestive enzymes. I think it would be so cute if you had one on each guest’s plate, like along with their name card of whatever. so chic!
Depending on the size of molds that you use, you should be able to get 40-50 gummies out of this
You can definitely prep these ahead of time—I would recommend making them the day before or 2 days before though because they will be more potent/effective the fresher they are
I used these molds
This is the sea moss I like & use
Hopefully I didn’t miss anything, but just in case, here is a roundup of links to my common recipe ingredients
For More on Gut-Friendly Recipes
If you like this recipe, you may also enjoy my the Miso Pumpkin Hummus from the Thanksgiving series, the aforementioned INTENSE gummies, my Cleansing Water recipe;
If you want more recipes that will help you debloat & eliminate regularly, I highly recommend checking out my [free] Gut Health Cookbook, which has 5 yummy, gut-friendly, recipes. You can download it here.